Patterns are all I see now. Mine, yours, theirs, ours, it’s all patterns to me. One I avoided recognizing for a long time was my own pattern after my wife had passed.  I longed for what was taken from me; FAMILY Having spent so much time and energy on becoming the best family man […]

I made a lot of mistakes

  Made a lot of mistakes in my life. The one I never made, was giving up on my love. We were far from perfect, but commitment meant something to us both and we understood the journey we were on. I see the busy in the world and know how important Ram Dass was for […]

The Sins of The Father, science proving scripture?

  The face he made when he was angry always scared me.  The raw power my father scared everyone. What flowed through him could never be explained in words… only felt by everyone around him.  When Marvel released the new version of “The Hulk”, that was pretty much it. He was the nicest guy… until […]

The coincidences begin

  They started slowly, and over time, but they changed my life. MESSAGE #1 – Quit lying to yourself. I was excited and nervous about my first public presentation I was about to give. It was 1999 and I’d been dating on the internet for a couple years. After falling madly in love with a […]

The Soulmate Contract… we’ve been lied to!

  To give love, be loved and to demonstrate love is something we deeply enjoy. You’re reading this means we have a lot in common, so love must be in your soul.   What you may not know, is that my love and I had a rocky start.  We were on and off again for years […]

The Universe, Your Glass, and You

  You know me, I’m a “glass is brimming over” kind of guy. So, when the universe took my glass, shattered it on the ground, and it felt like it used the shards to pierce my heart, it was a tough pill to swallow. (My initial “back off, universe” reaction has thankfully subsided). Just yesterday, […]

From Anger to Love

The jumps we make on the ladder of emotion are not always easy. In fact, sometimes they can feel impossible. In a single day, all of my beliefs and the way I saw the world changed. Anger faded. It happened about 5 years ago in a 3 day meditation. I’m going to give you the […]

Trouble sleeping?

  My wife, Crystal, was a night owl. Her sleep patterns were erratic, to say the least. Some nights, she’d be wide awake, her mind racing with thoughts. Other nights, she’d sleep in late, trying to catch up on the rest she’d missed. I couldn’t understand it. Why couldn’t she just “go to sleep”? Then […]