The Universe, Your Glass, and You

  You know me, I’m a “glass is brimming over” kind of guy. So, when the universe took my glass, shattered it on the ground, and it felt like it used the shards to pierce my heart, it was a tough pill to swallow. (My initial “back off, universe” reaction has thankfully subsided). Just yesterday, […]

Don’t tell me how to raise my kids!!!

  I’ve been reflecting on the evolution of parenting in todays society. From the grit-focused approach of my own father to the parenting of my kids, who belong to the millennial and Gen Z generations. Ask any two families and you’re going to get different answers on what’s “the best parenting style”. All of this […]

“You never listen!” – has this every happened?

  The key to finding or being happy in a relationship. About 2 years ago, my wife and I were having some communication struggles.  We would get into an argument over something silly and I couldn’t understand how she couldn’t see the bigger picture of the argument. It was an ongoing frustration for me.  Because […]

From Anger to Love

The jumps we make on the ladder of emotion are not always easy. In fact, sometimes they can feel impossible. In a single day, all of my beliefs and the way I saw the world changed. Anger faded. It happened about 5 years ago in a 3 day meditation. I’m going to give you the […]

It’s blasphemy… I asked the wrong questions :(

  Before I tell you this story, please know I tell it from a place of already being healed. The story and past hold no power or pain over me. It’s a memory without emotion.  I now feel compassion for those who “wronged me” and those who continue to today as I undertake my great […]

Feeling “Unlucky”? Here’s my game plan…

  What if we could influence our own luck? What if it’s not just a random force, but something we can intentionally shape? I’ve been diving into “Conscious Luck” by Gay Hendricks, one of my favorite authors. It’s got me reflecting on my past mindset. Once upon a time, my Jeep’s license plate read “Be […]

Our Search for Happy and that moment of clarity

  Ever feel like happiness is just out of reach?  Let me share a tale about a man named Hector. He had a comfortable life, a loving partner, a rewarding job, and all the material comforts one could wish for. Yet, he wasn’t happy. Haunted by a nagging sense of dissatisfaction, Hector decided to embark […]

The Power of Frequency: Harnessing the Energy of Music

  Today, I want to talk about something that has been on my mind lately – the concept of frequency. It’s a fascinating topic that intertwines with our daily lives in more ways than we might realize. Nikola Tesla, a man whose genius continues to inspire us, once said, “If you want to find the […]

Trouble sleeping?

  My wife, Crystal, was a night owl. Her sleep patterns were erratic, to say the least. Some nights, she’d be wide awake, her mind racing with thoughts. Other nights, she’d sleep in late, trying to catch up on the rest she’d missed. I couldn’t understand it. Why couldn’t she just “go to sleep”? Then […]

Destiny rewards you… your time is coming

  Do you believe in destiny? Being honest, I’ve struggled with this at different times.  In the end though, the truth is always revealed and the reasons behind my challenging times are revealed. Like when that guy from the famous TV show says “move that bus”… my new home in life is revealed. A new […]