I made a lot of mistakes

  Made a lot of mistakes in my life. The one I never made, was giving up on my love. We were far from perfect, but commitment meant something to us both and we understood the journey we were on. I see the busy in the world and know how important Ram Dass was for […]

How I found my soulmate

  Her name was Heather and at the time, I thought she was the best thing ever!  She introduced me to Madam Krystle. Not my wife, but my psychic bestie the last 25 years now.  I remember the day that Heather took me to Krystles house. I can’t tell you what I had for dinner […]

The Sins of The Father, science proving scripture?

  The face he made when he was angry always scared me.  The raw power my father scared everyone. What flowed through him could never be explained in words… only felt by everyone around him.  When Marvel released the new version of “The Hulk”, that was pretty much it. He was the nicest guy… until […]

Can you see it?

  It was late afternoon and the streets of Manhattan were packed! I had just left a 3 day Iboga meditation retreat though, and nothing was going to pull me into chaos. I felt completely at peace and completely one with the world. Iboga is the only plant medicine I’ve ever felt “called to try”, […]


  When you are truly on “the path”, you look pretty damn insane to nearly everyone. Especially those who love you. Most of the last 15+ years have been spent in total surrender. Nothing was consciously chosen and everything was based on coincidence, synchronicity and the hand of God. Carolyn Myss calls it “listening to […]

A 10 year long synchronicity

  The party was just “meh”, I never really liked parties much. My date, on the other hand, was stellar! I asked if she wanted to have a smoke on the patio. She sat on my lap and the smoke from her Clove cigarette wafted around us like some sort of magic potion. I always […]

Knowing This Could Save A Life… The importance of Love Bids

  She looked at me, half concerned, half upset. She truly didn’t understand… “Why are you upset? What you said didn’t require a response?” she said plainly. She was right. It didn’t. My simple statement had nothing to do with the statement itself. After years of frustration on both of our ends, I eventually learned […]

Let’s go DEEP today… Grief or Gratitude? Which is OK?

  While flipping through my “Teaching of Buddha” book today, I found these post-it notes Crystal left around the house on our 17th year anniversary. I was instantly filled with gratitude and joy for the time I was able to spend with my love. My heart filled with a gratitude that I could never put […]

When depression came knocking, I beat it’s ass!

  My entire life I could never understand depression. I mean mentally, sure, I understood the concept. But it was only a surface understanding of something that was completely foreign to me. Kinda like describing sex. Do you remember what it was like before? Or after? You heard people talk about it, you understood it, […]

Being alone sucks…

  Before streaming, before the internet, before CD’s, there was the time of radio. Even then, I carried imprints from my past and wounds for my future.  In 1982 one song captured my heart. I had to know the depths of it. (yup I was 11, but a pisces moon growing up in the most […]