What great advice, right? Just be yourself!  But what if you don’t have the slightest idea “who you are”?  Or worse, you chose who you are?  Are you the angry woman in the grocery store?  Are you the misogynist man, objectifying women?  Are you the spiritual giver who is attracted to light and love?  Are […]

Dear Spiritual Seeker

Love Hands

I Love You and I’m Sorry. It started as me wanting to be a better person. Focused heavily on my own growth and personal development. Always asking, how can I be a better father, husband and human? At some point, I realized, in order to be “better”, there had to be a “less better” version […]


I Love You and I’m Sorry. It started as me wanting to be a better person. Focused heavily on my own growth and personal development. Always asking, how can I be a better father, husband and human? At some point, I realized, in order to be “better”, there had to be a “less better” version […]


Have you ever felt a little less than 100% secure in a relationship? Maybe he or she says something that makes you doubt yourself or your value? Maybe you’ve had past experiences that keep you doubting? We tend to think that only the person who “acts insecure” in a relationship is insecure. This is a […]


Being public about my spiritual journey the last 20 years, I get all kinds of crazy questions from fellow seekers. Stuff you can’t imagine, but stuff I love! The single most common questions are about personal relationships.  As a person starts to explore and embrace God, The Universe, Divinity, The Self, The Divine Feminine, or […]


  Patterns are all I see now. Mine, yours, theirs, ours, it’s all patterns to me. One I avoided recognizing for a long time was my own pattern after my wife had passed.  I longed for what was taken from me; FAMILY Having spent so much time and energy on becoming the best family man […]


  The world is a beautiful house of mirrors. Well, beautiful when we look for the beauty in the mirror. Every person, event, emotion, observation… literally everything is a mirror lesson. For more on this, study The 7 Essene mirrors, or most any religion’s core message. Last night’s mirror is sitting with me this morning […]


  For a long time I was afraid of death. Still am, but it’s different. I don’t want death and I wouldn’t wanna lose anyone in my life. With the passing of Crystal and my dad, my relationship with death changed. Actually, it had changed long before I lost Crystal. Losing her changed my relationship […]

The Green M&M’s

  Over the decades I’ve been elated to help couples remember why they chose each other after the honeymoon period has melted away.  Like an M&M held in the hands too long, the color has started to  wash away. The sweat of the relationship’s fire is just too much. The more fire, the faster that […]

The “Halloween Kiss”

  I had no idea she was going to kiss me, but she regretted it the second it happened! Crystal and I dressed up to hit the town on Halloween, one of our favorite holidays to be able to play and have fun as a couple. We weren’t married yet, but we were engaged and […]