Patterns are all I see now. Mine, yours, theirs, ours, it’s all patterns to me. One I avoided recognizing for a long time was my own pattern after my wife had passed.  I longed for what was taken from me; FAMILY Having spent so much time and energy on becoming the best family man […]

I made a lot of mistakes

  Made a lot of mistakes in my life. The one I never made, was giving up on my love. We were far from perfect, but commitment meant something to us both and we understood the journey we were on. I see the busy in the world and know how important Ram Dass was for […]

Feeling “Unlucky”? Here’s my game plan…

  What if we could influence our own luck? What if it’s not just a random force, but something we can intentionally shape? I’ve been diving into “Conscious Luck” by Gay Hendricks, one of my favorite authors. It’s got me reflecting on my past mindset. Once upon a time, my Jeep’s license plate read “Be […]