Patterns are all I see now. Mine, yours, theirs, ours, it’s all patterns to me. One I avoided recognizing for a long time was my own pattern after my wife had passed.  I longed for what was taken from me; FAMILY Having spent so much time and energy on becoming the best family man […]


  The world is a beautiful house of mirrors. Well, beautiful when we look for the beauty in the mirror. Every person, event, emotion, observation… literally everything is a mirror lesson. For more on this, study The 7 Essene mirrors, or most any religion’s core message. Last night’s mirror is sitting with me this morning […]


  For a long time I was afraid of death. Still am, but it’s different. I don’t want death and I wouldn’t wanna lose anyone in my life. With the passing of Crystal and my dad, my relationship with death changed. Actually, it had changed long before I lost Crystal. Losing her changed my relationship […]

Stop with all the sexual advances!

  God sent me a friend who needed help. I didn’t mean to make her cry, but I cared enough to share the truth with her.  She was troubled in her relationship. Her partner always turns things “sexual”. The frustration was getting unbearable.  “Why won’t he stop all this sexual stuff and start talking about […]

The coincidences begin

  They started slowly, and over time, but they changed my life. MESSAGE #1 – Quit lying to yourself. I was excited and nervous about my first public presentation I was about to give. It was 1999 and I’d been dating on the internet for a couple years. After falling madly in love with a […]