For a long time I was afraid of death. Still am, but it’s different. I don’t want death and I wouldn’t wanna lose anyone in my life. With the passing of Crystal and my dad, my relationship with death changed. Actually, it had changed long before I lost Crystal. Losing her changed my relationship […]

The Green M&M’s

  Over the decades I’ve been elated to help couples remember why they chose each other after the honeymoon period has melted away.  Like an M&M held in the hands too long, the color has started to  wash away. The sweat of the relationship’s fire is just too much. The more fire, the faster that […]

Shedding fear and massive transformation in under 2 hours!

  As a student of psychology and personal growth, I am always on the lookout for experiences that shake my soul and journey. A few months ago, I witnessed something that left me in awe and utter amazement. During an event hosted by Bart & Sunny Miller, something magical unfolded. Within hours, the attendees shed […]

Feeling “Unlucky”? Here’s my game plan…

  What if we could influence our own luck? What if it’s not just a random force, but something we can intentionally shape? I’ve been diving into “Conscious Luck” by Gay Hendricks, one of my favorite authors. It’s got me reflecting on my past mindset. Once upon a time, my Jeep’s license plate read “Be […]