The world is a beautiful house of mirrors. Well, beautiful when we look for the beauty in the mirror. Every person, event, emotion, observation… literally everything is a mirror lesson. For more on this, study The 7 Essene mirrors, or most any religion’s core message. Last night’s mirror is sitting with me this morning […]

The Sins of The Father, science proving scripture?

  The face he made when he was angry always scared me.  The raw power my father scared everyone. What flowed through him could never be explained in words… only felt by everyone around him.  When Marvel released the new version of “The Hulk”, that was pretty much it. He was the nicest guy… until […]

Trouble sleeping?

  My wife, Crystal, was a night owl. Her sleep patterns were erratic, to say the least. Some nights, she’d be wide awake, her mind racing with thoughts. Other nights, she’d sleep in late, trying to catch up on the rest she’d missed. I couldn’t understand it. Why couldn’t she just “go to sleep”? Then […]