Patterns are all I see now. Mine, yours, theirs, ours, it’s all patterns to me. One I avoided recognizing for a long time was my own pattern after my wife had passed.  I longed for what was taken from me; FAMILY Having spent so much time and energy on becoming the best family man […]


  The world is a beautiful house of mirrors. Well, beautiful when we look for the beauty in the mirror. Every person, event, emotion, observation… literally everything is a mirror lesson. For more on this, study The 7 Essene mirrors, or most any religion’s core message. Last night’s mirror is sitting with me this morning […]


  For a long time I was afraid of death. Still am, but it’s different. I don’t want death and I wouldn’t wanna lose anyone in my life. With the passing of Crystal and my dad, my relationship with death changed. Actually, it had changed long before I lost Crystal. Losing her changed my relationship […]

Let’s go DEEP today… Grief or Gratitude? Which is OK?

  While flipping through my “Teaching of Buddha” book today, I found these post-it notes Crystal left around the house on our 17th year anniversary. I was instantly filled with gratitude and joy for the time I was able to spend with my love. My heart filled with a gratitude that I could never put […]

When depression came knocking, I beat it’s ass!

  My entire life I could never understand depression. I mean mentally, sure, I understood the concept. But it was only a surface understanding of something that was completely foreign to me. Kinda like describing sex. Do you remember what it was like before? Or after? You heard people talk about it, you understood it, […]

Being alone sucks…

  Before streaming, before the internet, before CD’s, there was the time of radio. Even then, I carried imprints from my past and wounds for my future.  In 1982 one song captured my heart. I had to know the depths of it. (yup I was 11, but a pisces moon growing up in the most […]