I was praying “Please let me get on this plane”. Flying standby can be a gamble and I really wanted to make it to Sacramento mid afternoon as I had hoped. The gate agent who I had just chatted with earlier about her stunning wedding ring, looked up and me and said “you may be […]

Cop1 : “Sir, Are you on drugs?”

Me: “huh?” As the fog cleared from my eyesight, a new fish eyed face appeared in front of me. It was a cop! He was shaking me awake on the driver side of my truck, while another was opening my door on the passenger side to dig through my floorboards. “Wake up!” the police officer […]

Lessons From Winning the Talent Show

I planted my feet firmly after doing 4 back-to-back forward flips. Dizzy, but too scared to stop, I started to shake and vibrate like a mad man. “Keep dancing” was all I could think. “Mr Roboto” from Sytx screamed over the school speakers and I tried to keep it together. A few months earlier I […]

Practical Magic

Are you embracing your magic? In the movie Practical Magic with Sandra Bullock, there’s a scene where she says to detective Quinn; “When I was a little girl I worked a spell so I would never fall in love… I asked for qualities in a man that I knew couldn’t possibly exist.” How deeply romantic […]

“Why won’t he just surrender to love?”

Is he broken or have you evolved, or ??? “Why won’t he just surrender to love?” she asked… her desire to understand had her in tears. She ended her pain filled session with “I mean, we’re so good together, I just don’t get it?”. Hmm, how to answer this without hurting her feelings… I realized, […]


I walked around the event all day in shock… How had no one noticed? I mean, I was obvious right?! Then I was called to center stage at the marketing event. “Everyone give a hand to my friend Mike Hill” Yanik yelled into his handheld microphone as he emceed his own Underground Marketing Seminar. As […]


No two people are ever going to see relationships exactly the same. Even people who grew up in the same household will carry different views and different memories of the exact same events. My wife and I had very different views on many things. Over time, she adopted many of my views, and I adopted […]


WARNING: THE DANCE THAT CHANGED IT ALL… I stared into the eyes of my wife on our first wedding dance, she was so beautiful. She held the back of my neck she whispered into my ear something that changed my life forever… “I quit taking my birth control, I’m ready to have your baby”. That […]

The year that lasted 3 years…

Hi Friend Most of you know me pretty personally by now and as you know… it’s been a heck of a year for me and my family. We lost my wife and my dad. We saw financial setbacks, personal grief, spiritual surrender, and we climbed mountain after mountain of “challenge”. “Be careful what you wish […]


Crystal, Nicole and I sat at a large 15 person dinner table in the cruise dining hall. There was a lot of casual conversation and I loved asking people about themselves. So I really enjoyed those Marketers Cruises, if you want to join me on one, PM me. Anyhow, I asked the person next to […]